The one remaining student said he didn't remember if he had before: 'I might have been pissed. Of the 40 men interviewed, 39 said they have shared a bed with another man at least once since attending university. 'We have a bromance where we are very comfortable around each other' The study looked at three main topics: bed sharing, cuddling, and spooning. It turns out some straight men really like cuddling with each other What the researchers found was a bit surprising: the men said they were okay with man-on-man cuddling and spooning, and nearly 93 percent claimed to have done it before. The men said they were okay with man-on-man cuddling and spooning
The researchers figured that, if gender norms are changing, more straight men will say they're okay with cuddling and spooning with another man.
To prove it, they talked to 40 straight male athletes aged 18 and 19, which the study labels the typical arbiters of masculinity, to see if they've ever cuddled and spooned with another man before.
But are public attitudes on broader gender and sexual identity issues changing as well?īritish researchers hypothesized that yes, gender boundaries are expanding. Society is more accepting of same-sex marriage.